Did you know that "remote" saves you money?

Remote working has evolved from a rare benefit to a widespread standard. In addition to flexibility and a better work-life balance, remote work offers an often overlooked benefit for employers: cost savings. At DevAngels, we focus on exactly that and help companies take full advantage of remote work.

What is remote work?

Remote working means working from a location other than the traditional office. This can be from home, a café or a co-working space. Remote working has become particularly widespread since the COVID-19 pandemic. According to a survey by Statista, around 40% of Germans worked partially or completely remotely in 2023. Incidentally, our developers always work in a quiet environment - in a home office or a quiet shared office.

How companies save through remote working

1. reduced office space costs

Remote working saves companies money on office space as less space is needed. These savings can be invested in other areas of growth.

2. lower operating costs

Fewer employees in the office means savings on electricity, water and cleaning. Companies can increase their profitability by working remotely.

3. increased productivity

Studies show that remote workers are often more productive as there are no distractions.

4. the time that would otherwise be spent traveling to and from the office can be used effectively by employees- again, studies show that this fact is of great importance. Less stress and the time saved lead to higher work performance.

Communication and collaboration tools

Thanks to tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Slack, collaboration is simple, cost-effective and often more effectively aligned with the objectives of the meeting than face-to-face meetings.

This brings us to the last point...

Challenges / Communication & Balance

Proactive and structured communication is important for both the employer and the remote employee. It's important to find a good balance here and to talk to each other on a personal level during meetings that take place online.

At DevAngels, we always maintain very personal contact with our developers and customers. This means we can always resolve difficulties well and support all parties in ensuring balanced communication and successful collaboration.

Image source: Photo by Nastuh Abootalebi on Unsplash

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