Artificial intelligence for tax advisors? Costs and benefits in a nutshell.

At a time when tax offices are no longer accepting clients, or even "small" clients are being kicked out, the use and possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI) are being discussed more and more.

Which tasks can really be taken over and how does the investment of effort and money pay off against lost clients and the savings from fewer staff?

One thing is already clear today: AI does not get sick and makes fewer mistakes. Of course, it can't take over all areas, but the potential for tax consultancy is huge.

In tax consultancy, there are numerous repetitive and time-consuming tasks that often increase the consultants' workload. Trained staff are hard to find.

An AI can take on many tasks!

Analyzing financial data, preparing tax returns or detecting anomalies in financial reports. An AI-supported system can process large amounts of data in fractions of a second, which would take humans days or even weeks. As a result, work is not only completed faster, but also with a lower error rate.

The use of AI does not result in existing team members being made redundant, but what happens is that employee satisfaction increases as unloved busywork no longer has to be done by hand. All existing employees can devote themselves to important tasks! At the same time, the error rate is reduced, which leads to less rework and corrections.

At the same time, the need for additional staff is decreasing. We can and should take an honest view here - it is precisely the activities that an AI can take on that make the job in a tax office unattractive and boring. Reliable and good employees are not only hard to find, but also increasingly difficult to retain!

Conclusion: With AI, fewer employees are needed, but team satisfaction increases.

Reduce costs, work more effectively, improve margins...

In future, tax advisors will increasingly be able to concentrate on providing strategic advice to their clients instead of spending time on time-consuming routine tasks.

The investment

A good tax clerk earns at least EUR 35,000 per year + costs for insurance premiums, sick days, absence from work, personnel management by the employer, etc.etc....

An individualized AI starts at around EUR 55,000.

There are already programmed components that can be brought together as building blocks and then individually combined and supplemented.

The time has come to harness the potential of artificial intelligence and lead tax consulting into the digital age.

As a provider of AI solutions, we are ready to accompany tax consultants on this journey and provide them with the tools they need to be successful in an increasingly technology-driven world.

We look forward to hearing from you for a consultation and to getting to know you!

We are the DevAngels - The Software Angels from Hanover

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